The Truth About Mars

Ernest L. Norman

Is there human life on other
extraterrestrial planets in our galaxy?

Illuminating information about the reality of the existence of human life on Mars is presented in this eyewitness account by Ernest L. Norman, a scientific researcher in the physics of consciousness. The author describes his psychic/mental voyage, in 1955, to Mars, revealing the existence of underground cities, the advanced social system of the Martian people, and the cause for the present geological condition of the planet. The Truth About Mars addresses the nature of consciousness and man’s ability to utilize the electronic design of the mind in the exploration of the universe.

A Landmark Pioneering Book

About Life on Mars

That human beings live on Mars has been proven during a psychic/mental voyage to the planet Mars when the author visited Martian cities, located underground, and telepathically communicated with a Martian scientist. The information Ernest Norman received is now being validated by thousands of photographs of the planet Mars, returned by the Pathfinder, Global Surveyor, Spirit & Opportunity Rovers, and Mars Express space probes.

The Truth About Mars discloses what happened that changed Mars once habitable and water drenched surface to one of a desert wasteland. The planet Mars has all of the basic biological and geological conditions for the evolutionary development of life forms, including Homo sapiens.

Clearly, the purpose of this book is to advance our knowledge not only of the evidence of another extraterrestrial civilization that has the greatest similarity to Earth, but it is also to advance the greater understanding of the nature of consciousness.

The book strongly supports the growing conviction that intelligent life is commonplace throughout the cosmos and humankind is being opened to the new frontier of extraterrestrial civilizations! We Are Not Alone in the Universe.

View of a street in one of the Martian underground cities, which are inside the metal tubes that have been constructed one mile below the surface of the planet.


Martian Cities

Martian cities are all underground and are connected together by huge oval metal tubes from 300 to 500 ft in diameter. Each city is built on the floor of a huge metal dome. These domes are sometimes 4 to 5 miles in diameter, and up to 3000 feet high. The cities are laid out like a wheel. The center hub is a very large circular structure which houses the various municipal and civic governmental departments. Underground is a very large atomic power plant for supplying the cities' needs

Martian Education

There are no public schools. The child is taught to a large extent in his sleep by a ``Z-ray`` device which imparts the lessons or knowledge directly into his subconscious mind. Usually a child will have the equivalent to a college education by the time he or she has reached the age of 10.

Martian Spirituality

Some of the more advanced scientists are masters at astral travel. Even an ordinary citizen is quite adept at mental telepathy and this type of communication is used as much as speech.
There are none of the familiar churches and steeples in their cities. Worship is not a pagan-like bowing down to some mythical god (or gods), but a twice daily observance to the Great Infinite Creative Source, and there is a once weekly community observance giving thanks to this Source.

Electrical Power

All buildings are supplied with electric power from the central power plant. The power is radiated over ultra high-frequency beams which criss-cross the streets. On top of each building a split ball-like antenna which intercepts these power beams, bringing power down onto a small secondary radiator which in turn radiates the power through the building, lighting the lights, operating the various motors, etc

Martian Race

Martians are much older in soul-evolution than the earthians. They originally migrated in spacecraft to Mars from a dying planet more than a million years ago. They also came to this earth and started a colony but found it impractical to maintain. It was also explained by Nur El, their planet leader, that this colony became our Chinese race through the evolution of time.


``The Truth About Mars`` deeply engaging and spectacular. Many people have wondered whatever happened to the surface of Mars all those years ago that would leave it in the near lifeless surface now. This book answers that question and with the Mars Rover & Curiosity roaming around the surface of Mars with more exploration to come from other countries, these explorations are proving the Mars book correct. Ernest L. Norman has written other books as equally engaging such as ``The Voice of Venus`` and ``Infinite Concept of Cosmic Creation``.

Apple KazooAmazon

While the Truth About Mars is intereresting, it does sound like a 50's utopian movie, and not a place I'd like to live. If the Martians are so perfect, why don't they get their scientific act together and start terra-forming the surface of their planet? Surely they can use some excitement in their perfect world. I would find it a bit boring, personally.

Here are a few questions I'd ask them. Do you guys have spaceships? Did you fire on the Russian probe that was sent your way years back? Are your two moons natural satellites or are they man made and purely defensive?

And if I were the Martians, I'd put things in front of our rover to mess with us, but that's just me. Maybe the Martians are humorless.

I actually bought this short book because it was featured on Coast to Coast Am, by a guy whose name escapes me at the moment, and it sounded like a serious book. And maybe it is serious, but why is the planet Mars associate with war? Why are the two moons named fear and loathing? Surely these happy people would be appalled to know what we think of them.

But if you're intererested in this book, here's what's in it.
1. Contact With Planet Mars
2. An Astral Flight Through Space
3. The Underground Cities of Mars
4. Martian Science and Technology
5. The Martian Society
6. Science and Philosophy
7. The Supernova Connection

I found the last chapter to be the best. Apparently a sun went supernova and since the Martians had some big telescopes, they had 200 years before any of the debris hit our solar system. They used that time to build an entire civilization underground where they now live.

Maybe Ernest L. Norman's account is true, and I'm just jaded, and if so, we need to do some of the things they've done to make their civilization to peaceful. We could really use the advice.

Click Image to go to MOC source. MOC operated in Mars orbit between September 1997 and November 2006. It returned more than 240,000 images spanning portions of 4.8 Martian years.

Glass-like Tunnels

discovered on Mars

In 1955, Ernest L. Norman psychically or clairvoyantly visited the planet Mars. His Martian guide, Nur El, described to Ernest the following:

On Mars the cities are all underground and are connected together by huge oval metal tubes from three to five hundred feet in diameter. There are monorail cars … which glide silently and very swiftly from one city to another. Because of the great distances between the cities, these tubes have been built only partially submerged.

In recent years there have been several anomalies discovered on the Martian surface! Certainly, one of the most remarkable and striking photos from the Mars Global Surveyor are the “glass tubes” discovered by the team of “Enterprise Mission,” non-NASA researchers who analyzed over 20,000 MGS photos released May 2000 to the public. Seemingly “non-natural” tubular structures located in the Martian deserts (MOC frame M04-00291), give the appearance of being “translucent,” quite cylindrical, and supported by somewhat regular intervals by “ribs.”

The adjacent picture shows what appears to be “glassy tubes,” estimated to be up to 600 ft in diameter, and a bright reflection, apparently from the sun. Some researchers have theorized that these tubes are “non-natural” may be water pipes or an environmentally protected underground rapid transit system.

If their theories prove correct, this would validate that there is human life on the red planet! Do the Martians live in an underground civilization?

Garden of Eden Found!

That's what life is like on Mars

Imagine a world of unlimited abundance and health where there are no laws or taxes, where divorce is unheard of, and where money is unnecessary.

That is what life is like on Mars, according to top educator, author, and psychic Dr Ernest Norman, who says he has visited a virtual Garden of Eden.

Norman, in the new book The Truth About Mars (Unarius, 1988), reveals the details of a technologically advanced and human civilization on the Red Planet that he saw as the quest of an amazingly human-like Martian, Nur El, who contacted him psychically and who acted as a guide on the incredible trip.

“The Martians are quiet, peace-loving people,” writes Norman. “The people of Mars are smaller than those on Earth, only averaging about four feet, six inches in height. The texture of the skin is very fine and soft, while the hair is usually straight, black, and quite fine.”

Norman adds that the Martians have discovered how to duplicate a remarkably comfortable and Earth-like environment underground, powered by atomic energy – which explains why traces of their civilization have not yet been detected by Earthbound scientists.

Incredibly, according to Norman, the Martians have virtually no laws and very little government.

“Martians never break laws, consequently there are no laws. They have long ago eliminated legislative bodies. The average Martian has an advanced state of conscious personal integrity. There are no taxes, as this land is run like a highly ordered nonprofit business.”

What’s more, says Norman, marriage and family life, instead of career and financial success, are considered the most important commitments. “Marriage is very sacred here,” writes Norman. “Very rarely is there a separation or divorce.”

All Martians, according to Norman, are employed and the economy is extremely healthy even though they have no banking system or currency. Instead, they use a unique kind of credit card to satisfy their needs and wants. “A working person is provided with a metal plate which is stamped with his or her name and an identifying number,” explains Norman. “This plate is used in large, automat-like dispensers which I was shown. When a person desires food, clothing, or whatever the need, he merely inserts the charge-a-plate and withdraws it along with the article.”

Norman adds that the Martians are aware of Earthlings and share a belief in a Supreme Being. He says they often attempt to communicate with certain humans using telepathy.

From Aug 23, 1988 EXAMINER

This is reconstructed landscape showing a Martian lake as it may have looked in its distant past. Data used in reconstruction are from NASA and the European Space Agency.

Image credit: G. Di Achille, University of Colorado

Evidence for ancient lake on Mars

University of Colorado

First unambiguous evidence for shorelines on the surface of Mars, say researchers.

This is further scientific evidence of the incredibly advanced mind of Dr. Ernest Norman (1905-1971) who described how the Martian landscape exists today, as well as how it existed in the distant past, in his book The Truth About Mars, first published in 1956. Dr. Norman was a philosopher, poet, scientist, and advanced clairvoyant.

In his Mars book, he reports how he took 33 psychic or astral trips to the planet Mars. Norman was shown details of an advanced, underground civilization, as well as the desert-like surface of the Red Planet, nine years prior to any definitive missions to Mars. Many of these details have since been verified by NASA and other space agencies’ probes sent to analyze the Martian terrain.

The first successful scientific probe to reach Martian orbit and send back pictures was NASA’s Mariner 4 in 1965.