Interplanetary Conclave of Light Celebration

Each year Unarius celebrates Earth's positive future and that we are not alone in the universe! Our next event will be October 12 —13, 2024.

In 1980, Uriel, cosmic visionary and cofounder of Unarius, initiated the Conclave to awaken and enlighten people to the reality of intelligent extraterrestrial beings she called the Space Brothers and that our world has a positive, progressive future. Through our welcoming attitude, we are paving the way for future contact with the Space Brothers, thereby reuniting us with our galactic brothers and sisters. The future landing of the Space Brothers on planet Earth will usher in a renaissance of logic and reason—a joining of science and spirit.

Through a series of mental communications in 1973, Uriel first contacted the spiritual leaders of thirty-two planets as part of the Master Plan to rejoin these worlds with planet Earth to form an Interplanetary Confederation. Earth has been invited to become the thirty-third linking member of the confederation, a galactic “united nations” of planets whose purpose is the betterment of humankind throughout the Milky Way Galaxy.

Uriel proclaimed the second Saturday of October as Interplanetary Confederation Day, and hence the Conclave of Light is celebrated on the second weekend in October every year. Your participation in this life-changing event will signal your intent to be part of the positive transformation of planet Earth.

Check out the following links to see footage of previous Conclave celebrations. More footage can be watched on Unarius’ YouTube channel.

I love the connection I feel to all participants and to intelligent beings on other worlds at this fantastic event. —Tracey K.