Out in the vast Cosmogony are countless billions of suns called stars, some with planetary systems much like our own where other races of humankind live similar earth lives; yet these are but a handful of pebbles compared to the vast and incalculable number of more highly evolved planetary systems which can not and have not been seen or photographed.
Clairvoyance, or the development of the sixth sense, is only another word for extrasensory perception taking place within the consciousness of man rather than through the reactionary physical senses such as physical sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Practically everyone on this earth has had or will, at some time, be in a semi or momentarily clairvoyant state. Anyone having a so-called hunch or premonition is momentarily in such a state. At the great Duke University, Dr. Rhine, in his fifty years of research on parapsychology, has definitely established the facts and truths of extrasensory perception. There are numerous societies, associations, and organizations, national and international, whose many years of work have proven beyond a doubt that man does have, and can also develop, this extra sense or clairvoyance, sometimes called the sixth sense.
Any doubting Thomas can, if he is open minded enough, find, in a short time, an overwhelming mass of evidence to support this truth. In an advanced state of clairvoyance an individual sees and lives in a state of consciousness that “tunes” him in, as it were, to past or future events, places, and happenings, distance being no barrier. Such an awareness or consciousness is almost as real as the everyday objects around him. Any particular electrical or mechanical device, such as the television set, will demonstrate to some extent the nature of this conception.
A savage in the jungle would immediately be confounded were he presented with the appearance of some of our everyday appliances. He would quite likely, in his failure to understand or conceive, throw up his hands and deny the whole thing. He would, in a sense, be like the farmer who, having seen a giraffe for the first time, was exclaiming “there is no such animal!”
It is, as it has always been, the great lack of ability to form new concepts that has always caused man to throw up his hands and to cry out loudly against the appearance of any new thought, or mechanical or electrical contrivance. This is also quite true of most of our modern-day scientists, whether he is a man of medicine, of chemistry, or of astronomy. Therefore, it is up to individuals who have developed this extra sense or clairvoyance to fill in the obvious gaps in our many branches of science as well as in some of the more firmly-established spiritual concepts.