In her dauntless fashion, Uriel begins this interview by taking us on a virtual tour to the future when 33 starships of the Interplanetary Confederation have already landed on Earth. She then responds to general misinformation regarding so-called UFOs, explaining how they are flown and their purpose. She relates how the Space Brothers from the Interplanetary Confederation planets live in peace and harmony, having eliminated war and the need for prisons and hospitals through their practice of the principles of past-life therapy. Uriel promises that we have the same bright future to look forward to when the Space Brothers land as they will be sharing their understanding of these advanced spiritual teachings.
combined with –
The Restoration – Part 4
Through graphic illustrations, the narrator relates how several planets experience a positive transformation after Uriel’s healing polarization and how we can look forward to our own positive future when Earth will become the thirty-third member of the Interplanetary Confederation.
DVD / Blu-ray $10
MP4 on disc $5
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