The Pulse of Creation Series, Vol. 3
Digitally Re-mastered!
The third volume of the Pulse of Creation Series: Hermes is a spiritual plane of philosophy where all the great thinkers and scholars of Earth and other worlds continue their work to enlighten humankind. A beautiful tour through Hermes’ crystalline homes, gardens, and temples provides a lift to the spirit and the mind. As with all books in this series, The Voice of Hermes introduces the Unarius Brotherhood, the future of all progressively oriented human beings, and the interdimensional science of Unarius.
In Chapter 70, Charles Darwin explains that due to his lack of clairvoyance or the ability to see into the spiritual dimensions, his concept of evolution was incomplete! This chapter extends the theory of evolution into an interdimensional understanding.
”Now, in the field of philosophy, man is essentially a spiritual creature and is composed of such spiritual counterparts of himself as exist in different dimensions . . . . Through his psychic body, he is linked and relinked with the numerous other dimensions and with the various types and kinds of vibrations which go on about him in this plane. More than that, however, is the fact that he has a Superconsciousness being which links him still further into the higher dimensions.” —William James
Through the psychic channelship and voiced by Ernest L. Norman
9x CDs ~ 2x MP3
note: There may be a few audio segments missing
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