In this exciting and incredibly detailed narrative, mentally communicated from the planet Vixall, the reader is given a tour of distant planets in the constellations of the Milky Way . Starship Voyager reveals how man has evolved under various planetary conditions.
Captain Rondoff and his crew of astronauts describe how the technological factors of life have sidetracked the evolutionary development of man’s spiritual nature. The emphasis on material life has turned people into mutants and robots on the many planets visited by Starship Voyager.
The purpose and objective of the Space Brothers is to investigate nearby planets, to help mankind caught in the trap of regressive materialism! Such planetary civilizations have and are mirroring the present problems seen in the educational, political and scientific conditions on Earth.
Exploring the Universe with Starship Voyager reveals mankind’s next giant step, the landing of Spacecraft on Earth!
Ruth Norman & Charles Spaegel
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