
Articles and Letters

The Boomerang Effect

Ernest L. Norman

It has often been said, in metaphysical circles, that thoughts, emotions, and deeds often return to the sender; but the principle involved and contained in this truth has not been told. Since everything is energy in some frequency or rate of vibration (or dimension), then thus, too, are thoughts and emotions.

We can so liken our own mental mechanism to that of a radio or TV. Always necessary is the sending and receiving—the two poles or polarities, the positive and the negative. This can easily be proven by the numerous persons who understand and use thought transference, transmission, or so-called mind reading, as this transpires constantly whether or not individuals are thus aware. One individual is the sender or positive polarity, the second person, the receiver or the negative pole.

It has frequently been observed, by numerous persons, that when individuals send out a barrage of hostility, anger, jealousy, fear, or many other of the numerous negative thoughts and emotions, the one receiving them, or having these energies directed unto him, often becomes ill, and more frequent than not, quite suddenly, and in many different manifestations.

Ordinarily the person receiving this barrage of hostile, negative, and potent dynamic energy is attuned to the sender or is on the same wavelength or frequency; thus the result is the same as filling a dry sponge with water. The individual absorbs all this negativity and therefore becomes attuned, aligned with, and receptive to the conglomerate masses of negative influences, such as viruses, etc., which are ever-present, and so abundant and most bountiful in the cosmos about the earth, since they thrive on negation. There need be no time element before the receiver of this vile and negative energy manifests and takes its effect, becoming the originating cause of numerous and diverse illnesses and conditions of innumerable types, for these can take place instantly.

The frequently referred to “boomerang effect” takes place when the one to whom these negations (anger, hostility, fear, etc.) are directed, is not in this same frequency, or does not respond to the anger or negations, but can, instead, remain at peace, poised and calm on a positive and higher plane of consciousness. In this instance then, there is no target, so to speak, or reciprocating or receiving pole, or minus side of the polarity (+ & –). The sender then becomes the receiver, for this energy must travel somewhere, just as the action of the magnet.

Since the sender or the positive pole is the only particular negative frequency in this immediate locale or environment, thus the cycle or circle is formed, and the sender becomes also the receiver, or the negative receiving pole. Whatever the negation was, that which was projected and directed to another is attracted back unto its originating source; the cycle is formed and the sender becomes also the receiver, as there then is no other receptacle to which this negative energy may adhere, or with which it may become impinged or amassed.

This return to the transmitter activity takes place so long as the intended victim of this negative barrage remains absolutely positive and on a higher plane or vibrating frequency, since there is then no other receptacle unto which to be drawn or with which to be attracted. Thus the individual, storming in his fit of anger, cursing, or berating of another, becomes his own target, and all these negative, harmful energies flow back unto its originating source, as the individual is a perfect receiver, being in this identical vibrating frequency. Thus, the vicious circle goes round and round; the more negation is fed and discharged, the more is received by him. Before long this person becomes ill, as now he is in the exact frequency with literally countless billions of diseases, illnesses, viruses, and the innumerable negations that exist, adhere, thrive and multiply in the lower and astral dimension, which are unseen by the physical eye, but far more injurious and harmful than any imaginable thing that may be seen in the physical worlds.

So therefore, if you do not wish to become the victim of another’s anger, rage, hostility, fears, and frustrations, remove the target! Rise quickly into a higher plane or dimension of consciousness; do not respond to the negative set in motion. Instead, direct thoughts of peace and love unto the one who is seemingly berating or belittling you, or one who is temporarily caught in this maelstrom of negation, which will be projected back unto its originating source if it is not neutralized or dissipated by good, strong, positive, healthy energies of love, light, and peace. This, a second individual can always do, and should do.

On and on this vicious cycle continues. Man feeds and nurtures the astral realms with his hostilities, resentments, fears, and negations; and in turn, mankind is influenced and affected by this ever-present negation, again reflecting back unto him more intensified, more potent and powerful after its constant regenerating and recharging, by adhering unto more and more of this monstrosity of evil. This is truly hell. The only possible overcoming of all this is the complete opposite. Man must start to live from his higher or god self, to endeavor to aid and help his brother when he appears to be weak, to project unto him the highest and most positive thoughts possible in these most trying times. Man needs to stand guard twenty-four hours each day at the doorway of his thoughts, to permit only that which is good, positive, and just to enter therein. This is what was meant by “turning of the other cheek” and “doeth a good deed for the evil.”

When this truth has factually been driven home, no one would choose to be the originator of such, nor to be as the sending station, to become also the receiver of these numerous horrid and vicious negations. Were these true principles and facts practiced and used by even a small portion of humanity, the illnesses, the numerous physical and mental disorders, would soon diminish and disappear from the earth. For, then, instead of the cosmos being filled with vast and conglomerate maelstroms of negative vortexes of energy, whirling, vibrating, recharging and multiplying, and constantly intensifying themselves—being fed and nurtured by humanity’s continuous negations—this negative multiplication and regeneration would not only lessen and slacken, but the positive and constructive energies could discharge and dissipate much of this vast negation and start to rebuild this cosmos and fill it with good, healthy, and positive energies with which mankind would then be influenced.

Thus then, will come the new age, your Golden Age of Spirituality, the millennium, and God within man will truly rule the earth.

The Importance of Studying

Letter written by Ruth Norman (Uriel) on the importance of studying mailed to home-study students sometime in the late 1960’s through 1971.

Dear Friend

Greetings from Unarius, and a Beacon of the most Infinite Light unto you! In our efforts to help individuals who have, at some time during the past few years, made contact with Unarius we here like to, on occasion, check with you again; especially in instances where the student has become somewhat lax in his efforts to carry on with his study, or that his interests may have waned, we wish to try to help renew or restimulate this inner desire or urge for spiritual wisdom, so you may carry on in your self-mastery program, to again become actively engaged in your individual, regenerative progressive evolution—the way to a better future.

If you personally, after having entered in the study of the books or lessons, have NOT begun to obtain and sense results . . . if you have NOT experienced wonderful attunements with the inner worlds and consciousness whereby you have viewed the “lights” of the Advanced Beings, the golden energy configurations, etc. . . . if you
have NOT realized a complete change in your well-being and welfare . . . if every level of expression with you has NOT been changed for the better—stepping up in a more positive vibration . . . if you have NOT found a completely new zest for living, and a strong desire to delve further into the Unarius studies to gain more wisdom . . . if you have NOT come to realize a completely new consciousness and a peace of mind never before known . . . if you have NOT experienced healings where needed . . . if you have NOT begun to live the principles of the Science of Life, and which do make for a completely different, renewed, and revitalized being, then may
we suggest that you again return to your studies; for indeed, all this and much more CAN BE YOURS! YOU NEED BE NO EXCEPTION to those who have and are attaining good results!

There is only one reason why the student does not experience changes, help, and a new way of life, and one reason only: LACK OF STUDY. No sincere student can remain steadfast in his efforts to conceive the Science, without experiencing results—results of an infinite variety. This little missive to you is simply to prompt your interest, to try to encourage you who have at one time heard this “call” to prepare yourself: preparation for your own future years and lives, both here and on other distant planets. Our urge is that you may again begin your unfoldment process—your spiritual awakening!

This material world has served a purpose for you, yea, many hundreds of years and lifetimes, but the fact that you have been touched on the shoulder, so to speak, to begin your climb upward in wisdom does go to prove that you are one of those certain numbers who can, at this time, begin to prepare yourself for life on higher worlds. The present is a once-in a-millennium opportunity, with the very source of the stream bed (the Unarius Emissary-Avatar) on Earth to aid you in your needs—to project to you special Healing Rays, Infinite Light, and Eternal Wisdom, which does aid you in many ways. Your return to your study, your contact with us here, again, will make this help possible; for help must be always given in proportion to the individual’s own efforts. Otherwise, life’s purpose would be defeated; evolution would be meaningless.

We have, for the time, discontinued our effort to contact new students and place, instead, this time and energy and consciousness on those who have previously obtained some study material from the Center; thus, we trust that you may again renew your contact with us. These words from us here, now, are simply to urge you—and for your own individual benefit—if you have reneged on your studies, lessened, or discontinued your efforts to conceive the teachings. May you now pick up where you left off and review that which you first obtained from us; reread that first and subsequent books and see what a great amount of wisdom that you missed before! The word pictures are creative energies and will regenerate and regenerate within your psychic body, and work for you in this stepping-up process.

The Unarius Science is indeed unique to any other teaching which you have ever, or will ever encounter; for it was written not from the conscious mind of an earthman, but is actually a creation of the very Infinite Mind of Creative Intelligence. Thus, these principles can be impinged within your own psychic anatomy to actually change its existing vibrating rate. Moreover, your times of attunement or study create an alignment with the Minds on the Higher Worlds and with we Channels, here, who can and do work with you continuously. All that is asked on your part is that you REMAIN STEADFAST TO YOUR STUDY—how little a price to pay for the great benefits received! A better investment is simply nonexistent, at any price; for to understand, to conceive the principles of Unarius is a better life, here and

Some students who have continued with their study, and who have, as a result, begun their spiritual metamorphosis, their resurrection experiences—viewed their past-life experiences, etc.—and have written up these psychisms—some at great length. We have made duplicates of these relivings and “workouts” so others may read these most interesting accounts, which have changed their lives so completely. We will gladly send you some of these fascinating student writings upon your request for same. You will be in for some eye-opening reading, and their “sheets,” too, could serve you well to help prompt you, in your own behalf, to return to your own seeking. If you have personal problems of any nature with which you need spiritual help, let us know, and we’ll gladly work with you on them.

We here, at the Center, are most desirous to do all possible to encourage you to carry on in your goal, and you will find, too, that with periodic contacts with us here, added energy shall be forthcoming to you with these contacts through the mail. Let us hear how you are making out: If you have psychic experiences you
would care to relate, we welcome them, and if you still await your first psychism, then return to the studies and obtain other missing books or lessons. And with our reply will be added a measure of vibrant energy of an infinite nature, which will be projected into your psychic anatomy, there to regenerate itself ad infinitum. The recorded taped lectures, too, can be a most helpful adjutant to the sincere seeker of
personal advancement.

Enter with a renewed dedication, new consciousness, into your studies of the Unariun Science, and watch the subsequent months and years become those of a far more progressive nature with you than has been in the past. Our help and that of the Spiritual Brothers shall be unlimited—just so long as you, yourself, make an effort to learn.

With our very best wishes for a more enlightened future, and with projected Rays of the most Infinite Intelligence unto you,

The Unariun Brotherhood
(Mrs.) Ruth Norman


By Archangel Uriel

Although the topic of obsessions has been lucidly discussed by the Moderator, Dr. Norman, I feel that the relating of some example cases can serve to be helpful. Obsessions or obsessive influences, although a most vital issue with mankind, is but little known by mankind in general and only very few churches enter into the teaching of this subject, even though Jesus himself taught and demonstrated this important healing practice and concept.

For openers, we could say there are two kinds of obsessions. One is the influence of other entities, those who have become separated from the physical and live on the inner or lower astral worlds—those who are negative or destructive in nature and who lack direction. They attack the unsuspecting earthman at times when the earthean becomes negative and thusly is in attunement with this negative frequency. These #1 obsessions are far more common than the earthman would like to know.

Then there are the thought-form obsessions that are created and affect the person’s mind when he least expects it. Both kinds work on the mind or consciousness (psychic anatomy) of the person involved, and in all cases, the soul is victimized beyond his own awareness. For instance, when some entity living in the lower astral realms attacks one, it is a very subtle situation. The influence is invisible to the physical eye, but the effects become quite noticeable; one often does things he normally would not think of doing. He begins to feel uneasy, negative, his friends often begin to become a target of negative acts, and he will, if the influencing entity is not removed, begin to take on an entirely different personality — not pleasant to be near.

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That Incredible Hierarchy

Uriel gives detailed information about the Spiritual Hierarchy and their Infinite Plan to help humanity in her article entitled “That Incredible Hierarchy.”

June 15, 1974

Throughout the ages of the past, and existing within the writings of sages, of the esoteric authors, of the occult, etc., there has been bandied about the word hierarchy. Because little, if any, true or complete understanding of this great spiritual organization of advanced beings exists, thus, a brief resume is in order.

First, it should be noted that throughout the more recent volumes of Unarius, various dissertations and discussions were written or signed by the Hierarchy. Throughout ages past, in his search for enlightenment, man has held within his mind a feeling of awe or reverence toward the word hierarchy; and doubtless, many have sensed them to be very advanced beings, living on higher planes of life, which is true. Throughout the entire twenty years of the Unarius Mission, but little was told or entered into regarding this important spiritual organization. Now we learn why! It has been told by these beings themselves!

In various places through the more recent series entitled Tesla Speaks, these concepts were related and installed in the texts, but for those who may be interested, and especially in the electronic giant-genius of all time, Nikola Tesla, let it be known here and now that this great soul is indeed the leader of these spiritual beings and this great organization—he and his polarity Uriel.

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It’s the Little Things That Count

Article by Ernest Norman on the topic of viruses: how they are created and how
maintaining a positive consciousness is your best protection against virus-caused diseases.

From time to time through various sources of information, such as TV, newspapers, etc., bits of information are presented to the public which graphically portray the constant, neverending struggle and search for the answer to life, which is being made by sundry branches of science; and with every so-called discovery which they make, there are often wildly exuberant claims made that now, at last, science has the answer to life, etc.

One of these scientific exposés revealed the DNA molecule, which supposedly masterminded the creation of living cells in chemical biology. Directly connected to studying cells, new discoveries and their consequent mysteries have been recently uncovered. Working with living cells from animal tissue, the scientist knows how to keep these cells alive and growing in liquid food plasma. Normal cells will continue to grow and multiply until they reach the edge of the dish which contains the plasma; then they stop growing and remain inert. Cancer cells continue to grow upon reaching the edge of the dish; also normal healthy cells, when infected with a virus, will also continue to grow just as do the cancerous cells. Now this poses a great mystery to the scientists, and especially to those who have segregated their particular branch of science, for such segregation is quite strongly marked and practiced in various sciences.

The answer to mysterious cell behavior, DNA molecules, and any and all other mysteries of life will never be solved until such segregation is banished and all sciences recombine themselves as they should properly do, basically, as an electronic science. The books and lessons of Unarius contain all the answers, including the mystery of the cell, scientifically explained; but to further the general cause of knowledge, let us clear away this mysterious haze.