The Secret of Nikola Tesla / Free Energy for Spaceship Earth
The Conscious Life Expo show special is still available through June 30, 2023.
You can learn more about Nikola Tesla and the advancement of his technology that will provide an unlimited, non-polluting source of free energy for planet Earth, by purchasing these two DVDs for the special price of $20 for both (regularly $30).
Free Energy for Spaceship Earth – DVD
Nikola Tesla, the great scientist and inventor of the twentieth century, laid the foundation to develop a nonpolluting, limitless source of free energy for planet Earth! Discover how we can utilize an advancement of Tesla technology to overcome global warming and other forms of pollution. You will hear the Tesla coil demonstration that was given and explore how Tesla’s vision can become a reality for a healthy home planet. (42 min)
The Secret of Nikola Tesla – DVD
Starring Orson Wells as J.P. Morgan & Peter Bozovic as Nikola Tesla
Long shrouded in secrecy, the life of Nikola Tesla is artistically illuminated in this fascinating film. Tesla, born in Croatia in 1856, is considered to be the father of our modern technological age and one of the greatest scientific minds that ever lived. Against all odds, he dedicated his life to the task of designing and improving technology for the service and spiritual advancement of all humanity. (115 min)
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