Scientists & Philosphers
Nikola Tesla was the forerunner for all the electronic mechanisms presently incorporated in modem life. On the spiritual planet of Eros, scientists have been working under the inspiration of Tesla, known more properly as Michiel, a Prince of the Realm.
In the volume are illustrated the schematics of future electronic devices, apparatuses that will help advance the progressive evolution of mankind. Instrumentation using high energy physics will provide energy that will advance techniques in transportation, communication, and education.
Included in this pioneering book are first-person dissertations from a veritable Who’s Who of noted philosophers, scholars and Nobel Laureats in the arts and sciences.
These famous scientists and philosophers speak from the non-atomic worlds of Spirit relating important information about the interdimensional science of life.
The Re-Awakening of mankind is predicted by in 21st century when humankind will have learned about his own past life experiences as have the authors of this book.
Ruth Norman & Charles Spaegel
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