“It is a basic proposition of life that any phenomenon that distracts mankind from his day-to-day and year-to-year pattern of life can cause a disruption in what he considers to be his normally acceptable or usual standards of living. Frankly, it is no happenstance that these so-called abnormal occurrences or paranormal incidents have taken place, and have for many years upset the equilibrium for those individuals who have considered the normal occurrences of life to be those incidents discernible only through the five senses of a physical anatomy.
“However, it has reached a point in so-called time, in this latter period of the twentieth century, that thinking man has finally generated sufficient pressure upon the governmental sector, as well as other sectors in which society functions, to make a statement based primarily on the logic and reason of cause and effect.
“It is a well-known fact that any intelligent individual who has studied the behavior of man, individually and as a whole societally, has recognized that there must be a reason for the present effects that are upsetting the usual doldrum nature of man’s consciousness, at least to the extent that he is aware or even knowledgeable of the nature of life outside the perimeter of his own planet Earth. To this extent, there have been many puzzling occurrences which have not been substantiated as having occurred in the dimensional nature of earth life.
“Over the number of years that records exist, going back to the time of Ezekiel, such documentary evidence is backed up with more recent happenings during the centuries that have elapsed–the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Industrial Age. In the present age of atomic science, which is becoming known as the Space Age of the twentieth century, there are literally thousands of documented cases of individual and group sightings of abnormal celestial effects! These seemingly abnormal effects have been classified as UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects because, obviously, they are unidentifiable within the language and experience of scientists and the greater public.
“Since there is no happenstance in life, as life is an orderly consequence of cause and effect, and since planet Earth is one of billions or more correctly hundreds of billions of earth planets, it does not seem illogical to begin back-tracking, using the method which is presently being utilized, to eventually open up the larger canvas upon which documentary evidence of Homo sapiens has been recorded and now is being regenerated, to be considered, at least to the extent that it is understood on one single inhabited planet in the universe of planetary systems.
“What is called an extraterrestrial phenomenon is, in fact, not a phenomenon when the nature of this effect is balanced with the history of man. In his own experience, he himself has had voyages throughout the ethers, throughout so-called space. Men who presently inhabit earth have voyaged to this planet from other inhabited planets in the solar system, from the larger constellation, and likewise, from other galaxies.
UFOs are Knocking on our Door
“In this preamble, it is our intention to develop an orderly presentation of the rather loose phrase, `Extraterrestrial Phenomenon’ and to explain this phenomenon as an actual and factual occurrence, as travel activated by men who are beginning to reconnect the bridge that formerly existed between your planet Earth and other planets of the Milky Way Galaxy.
“In the past twenty years, the community of scientists, in all the disciplines from biochemists to cosmologists have changed the tone of their own theories and have accepted some of the theories that have been advanced in prior years to definitely declare that there are well-developed and singular planets that orbit other sun bodies. Not only are there such planets, but scientists say they contain elements which correspond to the chemical elements which provide for the necessary balance for the metabolism of man to function in a physical anatomy. These statements were considered to be `science fiction,’ and have been downed and jeered at by the so-called `more professional’ scientist. But those who are further along in their evolutionary development and those human beings who are communicating with other life forms on other planets recognize that these individuals know the truth about the physics of interplanetary communications.
“Nonetheless, it has taken a great deal of experiences, by the heterogeneous people who occupy planet Earth, to finally awaken to the fact that there is sufficient documentary evidence which corroborates the similar experiences that so far have been collated. These experiences can no longer be put aside with a jaundiced eye or be laughed away. The evidence has now deepened and has touched the minds, hearts, and particularly the souls of many individuals whose positions in life cannot be questioned, as they are individuals of unquestionable personal integrity both psychologically and morally. At the same time they are individuals who have trained themselves in the more advanced methods of observation.
“Nonetheless, cutting through the jagged edge of the psychotic and the unbalanced minds of many people, there is a finally resolved common denominator. After all the extraneous rhetoric has been trimmed from the reports on the observations from the hundreds of thousands of so-called sightings and contacts of the first, second and third kind, a basic confirming statement shines through, repeatedly. There are corresponding similarities in the extraterrestrial experience throughout the globe.
“What then is this extraterrestrial phenomenon to which these individuals by the thousands have attested through hypnotic therapy, through regression? They, through regression, have validated the common thread that runs through the experiences of many individuals, persons who have been taken aboard a spacecraft and have been given sufficient information so that they could, in some manner and way, recollect the unusual occurrence that has caused a basic change in their lives.
“Man, in the present century, is coming to the close of a great wave, an implosion if you will, that contains evidence of life forms, of human beings and their associated electronic devices, evidence sufficient in volume to cause him to realize that he is no longer alone in the universe.
You are not Alone in the Universe
“In the early years, during a time of deep questioning, and particularly in the so-called medieval period, man relied completely upon the Old and New Testaments for some understanding of his place in the scheme of things, and he lost contact with his own true understanding of the history of his own past.
“This loss of memory of this historical pantheology, with its anthropology of societies and civilizations is finally being revealed, as we have said, through a great implosion!
“This implosion or revelation is coming about, but not in the ordinary manner, by digging a method used by archaeologists who find traces of buried cities and their civilizations. It is becoming evident through a traumatic occurrence taking place, from the extended bases of human beings who have left their own home planets and their own civilizations. These humans are knocking on the door of your earth planet to wake up the homeowners who are locked up in their residences. They are alerting them to open the doors and to see for themselves that there are other humans like themselves, and many humans who are not like themselves but who are still Homo sapiens, who have come light-year distances to your planet.
“These extraterrestrial people contain the basic evolutionary development of soulic intelligence. They also contain the symptoms and effects of having lived in many different civilizations and cultures. They, all together, say the same thing: `Your spiritual door is being knocked upon.’
“We are aware, as you must become aware, that a New Age beckons, that the energy fiber that procreates our physical anatomy and generates our spiritual being is regenerating a new and higher potential! Even more than that, since we are made of the same generic stuff, which is the energy content and effigy of a Creative Infinite Intelligence, we are not distant from one another. You are not alone, and you never have been alone! What you do with your life affects other people, not only on your planet but on other planetary orbs!
“You have come to the point, in your scientific technology, where you are tapping the atom in such a way as to cause its distortion. You are disrupting the regular isochronal pulse beat of this atom, and as a result, you are generating an out-of-phase beat frequency, resulting in disease, affecting worlds which are distant from yours, worlds of great numbers of people. You have reached the point where the potential for causing an explosion, generated from out-of-phase anachronistic patterns, is sufficiently dangerous that we astronauts have traveled great distances, from more highly evolved and varied planets, to research the cause of this negative feedback!
Mankind is Awakening to a Wider World
“So on this basic introduction, `Unidentified Flying Objects’ are appearing in the midst of life and are generating the various anachronistic appearances, the different frequencies in which the craft have been witnessed. In the variety of ways, they have taken on a certain form, in their appearance, to begin to awaken Earthmen to the fact that there are other human beings like himself who live in varying and different developments on planets where they have developed their own spiritual nature.
Now their lives are affected by their neighbor; and as each man has the right to live and experience the wonders of the Infinite in order for him to eventually become infinitely at one with the Father, he is taking whatever steps are necessary to discover the cause of the storm that has generated anachronistic electronic signals into his electronic sensing devices.
“Many of these UFOs are peopled by humans or by extensions of these humans in the form of electronic devices, which you know of as robots. They have gained sufficient information as to the geological and psychological case histories to provide earth people with answers to this very serious problem. Should a volcano erupt or an atomic plant explode, the lethal radiation, from either one, would affect not only the general populace, living in the vicinity of these disruptions, but it would also affect the entire planet with radiation fallout. The many incidences of different disruptive trace elements chemically can and do, eventually, cause the death of the individual.
A Threat to All Worlds
“This lethal dosage affects more than a planet’s present population. Over hundreds or even thousands of years, the radiation poison will be a trace element in the lineage of whole families of people. But think of this: Man is now awakening to the fact that, indeed, there are human beings living beyond the pale of his environment who also are receiving this radiation fallout, but in an entirely different manner. They are receiving it from the great explosion, which generates out-of-phase energy wave forms. Throughout the electromagnetic lines of force, the plasma which encircles each and every planet is affected by radiation fallout which becomes part of the atmosphere of other planets! However, that is not the only problem, the generation of radiation poisoning.
“The acts of man, in their totality, contain a venom or a poison, generated, knowingly or unknowingly, through his need to cause acts from the wars of his past to infiltrate to the point where they can be regenerated through the electromagnetic lines of force and become a threat to all men on all worlds. “Not only are our earth planets affected, but so are the astral planets affected. This may be beyond the nature of your ability to conceive at this moment, but since the door of man’s mind is being knocked upon, and he is questioning these paranormal occurrences, additional information can be lodged within the mind of the questioner.
“The second reason for these `Extraterrestrial Visitations’ to planet Earth is that there is an orderly development from more advanced worlds, from those who know of the proper development and the future potential of Earth men. They have a higher understanding of the physics and the electronics of energy and are functioning on a higher level. Even though they may or may not function on spacecraft, they can help add a greater degree of knowledge about developments that may be expected in future ages, in future civilizations that will be expressed in the ages of man.”
Advanced Families of Men
“We are knocking on your door! We are advanced human beings who have lived on your planet and on many planets outside the small solar system within which you live. We are those extraterrestrials who have always spoken to man, but who could not be heard because of the distorted character of man’s mind, which causes him to feel unable to open up his home to visitors from afar. Hence, we have not yet been given the opportunity to make ourselves known to the denizens of planet Earth in a physical manner.
“A life lived on any earth planet is lived by and for the development of men who have just emerged from the animal state. Other earth planets are inhabited by men who likewise have emerged from the animal state, but those men, categorized as Homo sapiens, have advanced to higher states of development for reasons you shall know of and surely must understand for the sake of your own soulic evolution; for the sake of your own immortality!
“There are advanced evolutionary families of men who have moved out of the sphere of the hostile environment of warlike races and warlike planets. They have been able to stabilize the patterns of life within and upon their planets. They have developed worlds which are cooperative ventures, where each individual shares, in part, the ownership of that society. They are, in a sense, tenants-in-common. These individuals have been able to develop, to a greater degree, their knowledge of self and share it with their society. They have advanced to higher levels of technology, but not for purposes of profiteering; therefore, the entire world has benefited by a common bond.
“It is these individuals who have entered into a more highly developed latitude of mentality; they are aware of the dangers of fissional and fusional atomic explosions. These individuals are functioning in many ways to help balance the energy environment of man, for whatever a man or woman or child sees with the optic nerves of the eyes is that which that individual has been able to reflect from the perspective of the mind.
“The individual so involved did not reject the image that was reflected to him, because there was a greater degree of memory from previous incarnations. Something touched him, even though he referred to such a happening as a phenomenon, as `weird’, or as an anomaly that could not be explained. That individual had not closed his mind to new perspectives, to new possibilities. There are many individuals who have been touched in this way. There are persons who have incarnated to be in a particular place, at a particular time, so they could then make their so-called testimonial as to what they saw. When sufficient numbers of these individuals, unknown to each other and separated by thousands of miles, by race, by language, and even by religious differences, make statements that do agree with some basic experience of an individual nature then, both psychologically and physically, this becomes a door-opener for the dogmatic man who has not yet developed the rationale of his own logic and reason.
“Considering the number of incidences alone, there has been a breakthrough in the past twenty to twenty five years from skepticism to an acknowledgment of visitors from outer space! The psychological atmosphere of man has changed, of course, but not without a great deal of effort having been expended by the extraterrestrials.
Who are these Extraterrestrials?
“Am I, the one who speaks to you, an extraterrestrial? What is an extraterrestrial being? To answer the latter question is to answer the first, second, and third parts of this question!
“Terrestrials are quotients of an infinite force. You and I and all people who are living through a physical body are tasting the great effulgence of the Infinite Creative Intelligence that lives within each individual from a particular vantage point from which we can see it, taste it, touch it and feel it. Of more importance is man’s ability to gauge the experience, to qualify and digest his experience, so he leaves behind the dross and keeps what is immortalthat which contains and carries the higher energy quotients that are interdimensional in their content and nature.
“Terrestrial man is really a spiritual being who is beginning to attain his spiritual legs. He is a child who is learning to walk. His ability to walk is a first development on a terrestrial planet; here he learns to develop the basic engineering of the physical anatomy.
“The next step is the development of another aspect, his spiritual nature. His spiritual nature truly is begun towards the end of his physical evolution. In other words, after the animal has learned to secure itself from the forces of the hostile environment, to keep its form intact as man, and after he has had sufficient of the genetic fulfillments of the earth, he begins to quest for a higher substance of himself. That is the beginning of Homo sapiens!
“Man, as Homo sapiens is a sapient being, a more intelligent being. Then there begins a new and higher development: how to live without the genetic, biological functions so as to become more than a terrestrial man. He will become a spiritual man, an astral man. Man on terrestrial planes is in that formative stage where he has emerged from the animal state and is beginning a new development.
“The next development will be of the spiritual man. He will become aware of the mental part of himself that has not yet quite gained its spiritual legs but which state of development is being attained through the many incursions of living from life to life on some one or another of the earth planets.
“A terrestrial man is a young spiritual person. Of course, there are many young spiritual people. Some are wiser and more intelligent; some are lacking in intelligence and have failed their school grades. There are many hundreds or yes, thousands, millions or billions of individuals who are going through this learning stage. There are also hundreds, thousands, millions, yes billions of planets that are on the primary school level. These planets are the schoolrooms in which individuals and society as a whole are experiencing the evolutionary pattern of learning, developmental stages through which they emerge from the cocoon as the multi-colored butterflies.
“This establishes the fact that there are people living who are moving through these patterns of life and who have gained different degrees of development. There are many species of butterflies and there are many species of Homo sapiens. These many species are the Infinite, recreated into the finite! This is an infinite proposition. The finite is infinite in its finiteness; the Infinite is infinite in its finiteness. Each individual species, as a whole, as they regenerate, adds to and establishes the basic principle of Infinity.
“A terrestrial being, therefore, is one who is going through his evolutionary development to become Homo spiritualis. And, this is where we come in! We are those individuals who are members of, or shall we say students of, a larger family. We have attained an evolutionary development whereby we have made an extraterrestrial contact to a nonatomic level from an atomic form.
“It is simply because we have developed the ability to present a more advanced exemplification of our spiritual nature and the continuity of ourselves, individually and as a whole, the spiritual pattern of ourselves living on one or more of the terrestrial planets in this Milky Way Galaxy, that we are able to make these swift voyages, through light-years, to visit and make all necessary and proper contacts with individuals who are open and receptive to learning these more highly evolved and progressive tenets and who are willing to also leave behind trace patterns of our contact in the memory patterns of men.
“We are members of an interplanetary society, a confederation of planets. Because we function on a higher mental level, we have the contact with a higher order of men a Hierarchy of Spiritual Beings. There are many hierarchies in the developmental stages of man, in both the physical, the astral, the Spiritual, and the Celestial realms. We function from a hierarchial pattern, an administration which is responsible for the evolutionary progression of man on a hundred thousand galaxies. We are, therefore, part of a universal Life Force properly known at this time in the 20th century as a Universal Articulate Interdimensional Understanding of Science Unarius.
“As life is a science, we are a Universal Brotherhood of the Science of Life. To be a member of this Brotherhood would establish an individual as an other-than-terrestrial being. It is our purpose, as it is with others who are awakening man by the different ways in which they are functioning from other planetary systems, to prepare man for this change in the planetary consciousness of your Earth.
“So, much has been done to accomplish the awakening of man to the realization that he is not an individual, separated by time and space! He is not an individual separated by distance, but by differences in states of consciousness while he is living on a terrestrial planet. He cannot grow spiritually until he realizes the tremendous power he carries within himthat is carried by him as he addresses himself to his day-to-day life existence!
“Every thought, every act that is the extroverted extension of a thought, has great meaning and force within the community of mankind. No wonder, then, that your planet has been known by many different names: the Dark Planet, the Insane Planet of the Robots. It is no wonder then that there is such a high incidence of crime, of mental and physical disease, and war has been considered to be an occupation of a respected nature! No wonder that you have gone astray and have become a derelict planet, for you did not question your right to think in a positive manner towards any and all people who crossed your sword or entered your barricade. In this, you had separated yourself from your brothers! You had isolated yourself from your very close family members to be free, in your ignorance, to think what you wish, not realizing the great wreckage you have left on the path of these destructive thoughts!
“It is taking and will continue to take a great traumatic force to awaken the peoples of your world to the reality that what is happening some distance from him, in another nation, is happening to him as well. There is not one action that can be isolated or that does not touch the mind, the physical and psychic body of an individual.
“For this reason, the people of your Earth are being awakened to the reality that there are friendly humans knocking on the door to awaken him from the lethargy of his isolation. He must be alerted to his personal responsibility as a human being, so that he can emerge into a higher state of consciousness to realize the great potential he can exercise and the good he can offer his fellowman!
“If you think that you, alone, cannot assert much force or that your individual acts will not be effective to your societies as a whole, you are not correct! In pursuing that attitude or theory, you are ignorant of the great interdimensional Force that moves and recreates your physical and psychic anatomy! This is the awakening process with which we extraterrestrials are deeply involved. We are only as far away as your close friend. We are as close to you as the individual sitting beside you, speaking to you.
“You see! We are transmitters, even as you are, and we are also receivers, as are you, too! But we have learned of the electronic code which enables us, at will, to raise our telephone receiver and dial the proper code to reach any part of this Interplanetary Confederation, which is now in the making. That brings up another point, for those who are not aware of the preparations for a landing of extraterrestrial or spacecraft from 32 atomic planets!
“This is the proper time and the place to introduce you to our purpose, which, of course, will be your purpose from this time on. There is documentary evidence, and much that has been laid at your doorstep, for you to begin to realize the reality of life lived in differentperhaps sometimes strange to you yet similar social orders of men.
“The phrase `extraterrestrial phenomenon’ will change when it is understood that terrestrial beings are not necessarily `extra’ nor are they a phenomenon! In the same manner that you think of individuals living thousands of miles away on some other part of your planet and whom you, through forms of transportation and communication have contacted in moments using computers, through wireless or by aircraft, it will be that you, too, will experience the new communication and newer forms of transportation in which planets that are light-years from earth can be visited, in a matter of a few hours similarly to the time it would take you to arrive in China or other parts of your earth planet.
“The Interplanetary Confederation is not an imaginary development thought up by some author; it has been in the planning stage, directed by the Spiritual Hierarchy. These Hierarchial Forces, Higher Archangels of the Angelic Forces are Beings who have evolved beyond the terrestrial state and beyond the astral states of consciousness. They are evolved souls who are integrated with their own Infinite Intelligence.
“They have become `Infinitely Minded’ for they have integrated the terrestrial and the astral, with the Causal and Celestial bodies of themselves and have become a Whole Light! They are the Higher Angelic Beings who are the Light that shines from the Inner Realms, carrying a great directive Force for aspiring man!
“This Light, of course, is not only the light you receive from the sun, but it is the substance of the entire make-up of the electromagnetic plasma itself. It is the integrated interrelationship of the electronic pulse beats of energy that rings through the animal, mineral, vegetable, plant kingdom and, into the developmental bodies of terrestrial men!
“Because of our development, evolutionary-wise, we correspondingly have touched upon the spiritual nature of our mental consciousness and have been able to communicate with and to ratify the development of this plan of union for terrestrial planets!
“It is a plan that is not isolated to only one galaxy, for the plan is correspondingly taking place on the hundred thousand galaxies that are spread throughout the universe!
“However, as man is more correctly a part of and functions within the one galaxy known as the Milky Way, and as we are your Brothers from planets of this Interplanetary Confederation 32 in number, to become 33 upon the inclusion of planet Earth we must have and we will continue to make this contact of an extraterrestrial nature, through the means at hand, which are beyond the physics of your earth science.
“Through man’s sighting of spacecraft or `Flying Saucers,’ as they have been called, we are able to work with the individual, once he has broken through the fog of his material overlay to realize that he is not only a genetic creature of his physical anatomy!
“The Brothers of the Universal Brotherhood, Unarius, are scouting the entire galaxy of which you and I are a part and are touching those minds who have awakened from the deep slumber of their past. We work from many different vantage points. Some persons need physical evidence before they can believe in their own interdimensional nature. They, in the quiet hours, tune in through their own higher Self, to receive various proofs of contact with the higher order of mankind!
“Many people call this mental function in which individuals are contacted in their out-of-body periods as when they are asleep, by many namesastral projection, psychokinesis, levitation, or perhaps inspiration; but there are those who must have physical evidence, who must experience the trauma, in essence, before they can blow away the fog that has obscured their vision. This fog is generated by the acceptance of the atomic picture of life only.
“Many of the sightings of spacecraft, documented throughout your earth world, have been sightings of a psychic nature. That is to say, these individuals did not see a physical craft, a spaceship which they could touch, which they could enter into, which they could experience on a five-sense level. In truth, even though such individuals have participated in various experiences to which they would attest on oath that they physically experienced contact and spoke to such-and-such individuals, they were not in their physical consciousness! This is the real learning of man, that he is not a physical being and that his true being is of another form and pattern through which he can sense higher frequencies where the pattern resembles or is conceived as having physical substance.
“Although our spacecraft are made of physical elements, of atomic elements, yet these are atomic elements that have not yet been fabricated by the scientists of your Earth. The spacecraft that many individuals have sighted and experienced are of an entirely different caliber, and they take on a different substance and create a different sensation to the individual through his mind.
“What you cannot conceive on one level you must therefore conceive on another level. Nonetheless, we have physical bodies and we live on a physical planet, but of a much higher calibration.
“So how then can the evidence of life forms that cannot, at this point in time, be visited by your space probes or by your spacecraft be validated? They can only be validated, on the whole, for the people of a terrestrial planet, on the level of each individual’s own present mental development!
“We, the spiritual leaders of the thirty-three planet Confederation, plan to land our craft upon your Earth at a very auspicious moment, a time when there is a conjunction or a parallax, not of planets, but a parallax in the orderly cyclic movement of this great Cosmic Intelligence, as it has demodulated itself in the electromagnetic wave forms that surround all sun bodies.
“Yet, in spite of the fact that many people of Earth will be able to see us, touch us, hear us and enter into the spacecraft, there will be many who will not be able to conceive such an act, such a fact, and will believe this to be unreal a fantasy! On the whole, those individuals who have been separated from their own spiritual intelligence are individuals who are moving in a backward motion and cannot reincarnate on an astral planet such as Earth is becoming.
The Landing of Spaceships on Earth
“But for the most part, the change that will accompany the actual sighting, through reception of television pictures as well as the actual factual tour of the spaceship, will change the accompanying atmosphere of doubt, disbelief, and so forth. The reason will be that, those individuals who have been working for many, many years to wake up man; those individuals who have functioned in the communities in the space societies and who have been working silently, behind the scenes, will have helped to change the psychological current, the atmosphere of planet Earth, as to the reality of space being occupied by other human beings on other terrestrial planets.
“Although there is yet a vestige of much that is supernatural and surrealistic, there is a basic platform being developed, a foundation that has grown on the evidence of thousands of different individual experiences. This has ratified and validated the probability that we can come to your planet and will do so. Suffice to say, the memories of any individual are not changed in such a short time, because of the disasters that have occurred and the emotional experiences that have been suffered and lived by many Earth people.
“There is a certain foreboding by some who have either lost their lives through space wars or who have been the force for terrorizing the people on isolated planets. They will not want to know of the reality of their nightmares, the dreams that they have had throughout their lives, and yes, since childhood!
“But this is not what we wish to leave you with. We wish to explain that human beings live on countless planets similar to Earth. They also have worked through the problems which are natural to man in his terrestrial abode, and have had to overcome the stresses and the strains of coming to grips with their true humanness, learning of the basic spiritual denominator that ties all mankind together. We are all part of the great body of the Cosmic Mind. We are all unified in this binding Force which is the Light that recreates and generates our day-to-day existence in the terrestrial body.
“This Light can be widened through the aperture of a new cycle. The planet, as a family of children, is arriving at a new destination, where mankind will depart from the old ways, from material concern, and be able, in a concerted fashion, to develop the higher intelligence that lies within the higher mental circuitry within his psychic body. To know of these things, will mean a complete and totally new educational curriculum. In this educational reform, those of us who have validated and verified this way of spiritual living in our worlds will help man and woman on all levels in which life is lived.
“We will not interfere nor state that `we said so!’ We will be your Brothers willingly answering questions and working together with you to remove the strains of diseases that have stained your earth bodies, to replace those energies with the clean atmosphere of Intelligence which knows of no contradiction; knows no dissidence but provides a happily married state of union between the existence in a terrestrial body and the spiritual body.
“To be joined in the understanding of the union of the material and the spiritual is the new Spiritual Renaissance of Man. This state of development has been known of and anticipated for many millions of years by the Celestial Beings who overshadow and direct all human beings, particularly those who are functioning as leaders of a fraternity of men and a fraternity of planets who are pressing forward toward the time, when there will be a joining with the higher orders of spirit through the questing of terrestrial man.
“Therefore, in conclusion, extraterrestrial phenomena are part of an orderly progression of development, through which mankind is being awakened to the reality of planets within and without his own solar system. His telescopes and the probes of his spacecraft signal the desire of all mankind to know of and to realize his potential to attain immortality!
“This is not a phenomenon; it is progression, cyclically speaking, to a point where man has graduated to another level, one where his eyes will see, not only from the physical evidence of the atom, but the evidence of his mind, his inner self, which is his heart.
“He will know, without doubt that he, a terrestrial man has been changed when he knows that he and his brother and sister on another planet are of the same family! He will know, without a doubt, when he clasps the hand of a Brother or a Sister from another planet, that he will have joined himself as a representative of one planet to another. He will have corrected that misrepresentation and explained the anomaly that has been known as a `phenomenon’ because there are no phenomena!
“Phenomena are the outward reflections of an interdimensional movement of energy is it is reflected through the minute atom, and in colossal sun bodies, demodulated into the daily life of mankind on some planet. Phenomena are the evidence of the experiential patterns of man as he moves through the dark tunnel of death to emerge into the blinding white Light of Life, which is the constancy of the Immortal Fire that is man’s inexhaustible reality!
“Know then, that you, yourself, are extraterrestrial beings! Other people on other planets who have been in your state, think likewise toward you, and toward all other planetary systems. Other civilizations of mankind have gone through the same process in this recognition of their desire to know what lies beyond their small planet. They have grown and have matured and now are a participle in the developing intelligence of Homo sapiens that is the emerging pattern of this Milky Way Galaxy.
“Planet Earth has a history of such a nature that it had been selected to be the 33rd Planet of the Interplanetary Confederation. Therefore, it is important that you be piloted to your position and take a part in this orderly movement of life that will form a star pattern!
“A star which contains thirty-three basic facets is no happenstance. It is a regeneration from the higher Celestial planes, manifesting its Intelligence to provide the evolutionary growth for a transformation of terrestrial life forms, to become a unified pattern of planets for their next evolutionary development into astral planets.
“Therefore you will see, as you become cognizant of the reality of the interdimensional nature of the Father, how it is that there is no separation of any one facet of the Intelligence of the Father! All organic and inorganic forms move in their orderly pattern mineral, animal, plant and man moving up the ladder of evolution and changing into higher isotopic forms.
“How could anyone learn of the reality of his own generic composition as a Light form, other than by experiencing all aspects of this Light form in its developmental state? As a child begins to learn to breathe, to walk, to stand, and run, through his experiences on Earth, so does man learn of his astral nature, which is the next state in his evolution, so does man learn of the more realistic nature of his Light body.
“Extraterrestrial craft or spacecraft are the realities of the joining of planets, one to another. Spacecraft themselves, are a valid statement of the higher developmental intelligence of such terrestrial beings who have been married to a higher mental state. Then, of course, the next and higher level is the further objective and motivation. For we who know that there is no ending of the varied and sundry life forms, it is our purpose, in learning and experiencing, to validate our own interdimensional nature and the immortal stuff of which we have been created.
“Let us leave you then, with this last statement! Your consciousness either separates you from the reality of your sentient nature as a being of intelligence of an Infinite quality, or it integrates you to the extent that you are receiving the signals of those individuals in varying levels of life. You are the winner, by the very fact that you have stabilized the reality of your consciousness and have accepted yourself as more than a finite physical anatomy. You have verified the Spirit of which you are, and which motivates your physical body. Hence you become all things to all people.
“In this respect, you can generate faith by your own knowledge. You can generate the higher patterns of intelligences which then circulate within your psychic anatomy. You, therefore, become a higher note, a filament that reaches a greater brilliance, and which can be felt through the inner nature of all mankind, for each and every individual is striving for his own immortality.
“When one reunites himself with the Life Force, his lamp is lit! This Light will never be extinguished; it will grow, radiating an even greater Light into each and every successive day, year and lifetime that you live. You see, you then have been connected up in series with the Powerhouse and therefore your filament is now lighted – not for a moment, but continuously! You are connected to the Infinite Creative Intelligence through your own higher Self, to which you have learned to become attuned.
“We hope this answers some of the questions of many individuals in their desire to know the meaning of extraterrestrial phenomenon.
“Thank you. Your Brother in Truth, Alta of Planet Vixall.”